Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Blog

Welcome to my blog. As you can see this is my first post. A lot of people have been asking me if I'll keep a blog while I'm away in Bangladesh. I have consistently promised that I would and now I am carrying out that covenant.

In case you don't know, I am taking a year off school to participate in Mennonite Central Committee's Serving and Learning Together (SALT) program. This year there are 60 participants from Canada and the US that have been placed in jobs in over 30 countries around the world. SALT is a year long program, and jobs come from a wide range of fields including teaching, child care, health care and technology.

I will be spending the next year in Bogra, a town located in the north-west region of Bangladesh. I will be working for MCC with an appropriate technology program called REAP (I don't know what the acronym stands for). My job description:
The MCC Bangladesh REAP program is working with 18 partner organizations, mostly nongovernmental organizations, to improve the food security of the rural poor of Bangladesh. Most of the partners are located in the northwestern part of Bangladesh and are involved in micro credit. Through the partnerships, REAP helps build the capacities of these partner organizations, particularly in the area of agriculture (crop, vegetable, livestock and fish). A model farmstead is being built that will address many aspects of rural living, including gardening, food preservation, lighting, cooking, animal husbandry, etc. A new Appropriate Technology Center is also being developed to be attached to the farmstead. The SALTer will be charged with assisting with research, implementation, extension and training associated with bringing new ideas and old ideas to the Partners who in turn will extend it to farmers in the region. This person will work directly with REAP staff, Partners and the people. This first hand experience of working in the community provides the person in this position a unique opportunity to learn about the life of rural Bangladeshi people and the poor being served by MCC.

The description seems extensive, but I really don't know what to expect. Once I am in Bangladesh I will hopefully gain a better idea of what I'll be doing and I will be sure to post as I learn more.

It seems that time is flying by. I leave the country August 8th for a week of orientation in Akron, Pennsylvania. I leave the continent August 15th. Everything is happening fast. It seems like I still have lots of paperwork to do before I go. So many small little things nagging me. This past Tuesday, I got to meet the other SALTers from Ontario. We met at the MCC Ontario offices in Kitchener. It was really great to meet everyone. We will see each other again at orientation.

The SALTers and their countries are (from left to right): Kendra (South Africa), Kim (Bolivia), Iris (India), Katie (Chad), Simon (Lesotho), myself and Adrienne (Bolivia). Absent: Yolanda (Rwanda). Thanks to Kendra for the picture.

Well I have written a lot. More than I thought I would. Hope you have enjoyed it. One more thing. If you are interested in supporting me financially, I am having a joint fundraiser with Kim Walker at Willowgrove Farm in Markham. The event is on July 3rd at 7:00 pm. There will be sweet corn, music, drama and (weather permitting) outdoor games. If you are reading these words now, you are invited. Feel free to invite your friends, neighbours, local grocers, fellow inmates, whatever. We would love your support.