Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Septembers past

It is now September and everyone's going back to school, except me. It's a strange feeling. This is the first September in 15 years that I will not be heading off to any formal education. In a way it's a relief, to get away from school for awhile. But I find myself missing it. A few days ago I had a hankering for some organic chemistry. Yes the devil itself. I don't know what to make of that. Anyway, good luck to everyone who is heading off to or is already in school. Have a great year.



  1. I do miss all that talk of "Reactions".

  2. Don't worry Ben, look at it this way, instead of a student of and educational institute you now are an student of the world.

  3. Hey Ben,

    I know exactly how you feel. It feels strange to have September roll around and not to be going back to school! With a new adventure comes change that can be difficult to get used to. But I think that it's in the new experiences that we have the opportunity to grow and explore new things.
