Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Temporary Triumph

(I composed this "poem" on a ride from the office to AKB this morning after a stop at a bike shop. This is what happens when my ridiculous mind has an unfortunate amount of time on its hands. I thought you might find it amusing.)

As I rode my two-wheeled motion machine,
I could sense the presence of a force unseen.
Somewhere on my bike its coefficient was high,
As evidenced by pain in my left and right thighs.
I knew for a fact that my chain was well oiled,
The knowledge of which had me momentarily foiled.
Where O where could this culprit be,
That is making my commute true misery?
When suddenly upon me great insight bestowed.
Why not check the place where rubber meets road?
Surely my problems must be cowering there?
If so, its just a matter of getting more air.
So I got off the road, and pulled to the side,
And gracefully alit from my solid steel ride.
The air pressure was, as I found with a pinch,
Much less than the recommended pounds per square inch.
I found a small shop where a pump could be found,
After a little searching and looking around.
A bit later I was off, like a ball from a pitcher.
The man with the pump being five taka richer.
So the point of this story, (if there is one at all)
Should the fickle beast Friction ever summon the gall
To break down your bike, make it slow to a stall
I might have a solution, so give me a call.


  1. As an avid cyclist, I'm going to have to say that is one of the greatest poems I've ever seen. Thanks for sharing!

  2. ben, that was so great!
    also, i liked seeing the pictures on facebook :) i wish i could visit you!
