Sunday, January 31, 2010

Big Yellow Taxi

There's a song by Joni Mitchell called "Big Yellow Taxi". One of the lines goes:

"Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone?"

This song has been going through my head a lot lately, because that line seems to be ridiculously true. Before leaving for Bangladesh, I was craving a change of scenery. I couldn't wait to get out of Canada. But now as I'm about halfway through my term, I find myself really looking forward to returning home. It's funny though because I'm really happy here. I like where I'm living, I like my job, I like everyone I work with. Most of the time I really don't want to be anywhere else. What I miss most about home is no doubt family and friends. A familiar culture and language are some other things I miss. Sometimes also the food (Bangladeshi food can get quite repetitive).

So now I need to get my head thinking about the meaning of those words for when I do come home. I know by this time next year I'll be in the thick of midterms and I'll be wishing I never left Bangladesh. I guess it's just the way these things work.

In other news, tomorrow I'm leaving for Sylhet for a five day learning tour with other REAP staff. We'll be visiting some local NGOs as well as visiting the tea gardens in Srimangal. Sylhet is basically across the country from Bogra, so I have a nice long bus ride to look forward to. Also, last week was Piyash's 2nd birthday. A bunch of people came over and we had special birthday food. It was a pretty good time.

Piyash getting help from his Grandpas

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